Seize The Day with us in the upcoming LitterLifters Regular Run at Sembawang Park to clear the debris that were brought onto our shores.
Youth Corps Singapore is back with our very own regular beach clean-up programme from 2024. Learn more about the issues of marine debris, and its effect on marine life and the environment as we clean up our shores!
Location at Sembawang Park is as follows:
60 Jln Mempurong
Singapore 759058
This event is organized by Youth Corps Singapore in partnership with PAssion Wave @ Sembawang.
This is a Youth Corps Singapore bite-sized volunteering opportunity. More details about the volunteering opportunity will be relayed via Telegram. Upon confirmation, you will be invited to join a temporary Telegram group chat in the same week of the opportunity.
All applications are subjected to approval. The number of available slots reflected is based on the number of confirmed applications.
Volunteers will head out to the identified hot spots along the beach by foot where they will be provided with the necessary equipment to clear the beaches of man-made marine debris. A pre-activity briefing will be conducted before the start of the session.
The clean up will take place from 1.00pm - 4.30pm.
Please report to the event venue 10 minutes prior to the session.
*Please confirm your availability before applying for the volunteering slot. If you are unable to attend the session after applying, kindly inform us immediately so that we can release your slot to other volunteers.
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